Younger and Older SMES students working together

“If I could design psychologically safe schools, every elementary school in the United States would go from kindergarten through grade eight and be no larger than four hundred students.”

Renowned child psychologist Michael Thompson, in his bestselling book Best Friends/Worst Enemies: Understanding the Social Worlds of Children.


At St. Martin’s, we fully focus on and appreciate the many milestones of childhood. Our Lower and Middle Schoolers find themselves starring in the school play, competing in the starting lineup for a lacrosse game, speaking at chapel, and playing a band solo at the annual Christmas Concert. Public speaking and experiential learning opportunities begin in preschool and become a regular part of development at St. Martin’s throughout a student’s experience. Middle schoolers emerge as leaders, with daily opportunities to build confidence and take risks as they establish their indentiy and values.

Our preschool through grade eight structure fosters positive role modeling and empathy, and combined with small classes, students are supportively encouraged beyond their comfort zones.