St. Martin’s Church Vestry delegates oversight of St. Martin's-in-the-Field Episcopal School to a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees dedicated to the long term success of the School. Board members are current and past parents, grandparents, community members, and parishioners who partner with the Head of School on strategic goals which sustain and grow the mission of St. Martin’s.
Standing board committees include: Finance, Development, and Trusteeship. From time to time, the Board forms additional task forces to focus on specific initiatives.

2024-2025 Board of Trustees:
Tonya Hill, GP'24, Chair
Aimee Bullen, P'13, '15, Vice Chair
Scott Dupcak, P'25, Treasurer
Judy Bonanno
Samantha Burdette, P'26
Ardath Cade
Heidi Carney, P'14,'16
Tony Deasey
Rev. Lauren Holder, P'30, '31
Mark Morsheimer, P'08, '11
Abby Ritinski, A'08
Mark Sabins, Vestry Liaison
Laura Sheely, P'13, '18
Ex-Officio Members:
Kathleen K. Mahar, Head of School
Jennifer Smolen, Director of Finance & Operations
Jan Wilder, Board Secretary
Angela Miller, P'23, '29, President, Parent Association