3 Episcopal students in costumes at church

St. Martin's inclusive Episcopal identity informs our community and culture.

"Episcopal schools exist not merely to educate, but to demonstrate and proclaim the unique worth and beauty of all human beings as creations of a loving, empowering God" (National Association of Episcopal Schools). At St. Martin's, we believe that every individual is of value and potential, a belief that is expressed in our Mission Statement as well as in our shared experience. Rooted in the Episcopal tradition, St. Martin's welcomes children and families from a variety of faith traditions, honoring each as a beloved child of God. NAES expresses the principles and ideals of all Episcopal schools through four pillars: community life, commitment to social justice, school worship, and religious formation. We seek the to recognize the dignity of every individual both within and outside our community.

Our Episcopal identity in practice:

  • A weekly inclusive and age-appropriate chapel, which many parents attend, explore monthly virtues. While rooted in the Episcopal tradition, all faiths are welcome and honored through readings, music, and prayer.
  • Montessori-based Godly Play taught in Lower School, while Sacred Studies is taught in Middle School.
  • Service learning invites students to engage within the larger world and develop an understanding of the challenges and needs of our local and global community. Service opportunities are woven into each grade and culminate in 8th grade with the Service Learning Action Project where students research and respond to a social issue.
  • The full community gathers regularly on Fridays for Mustang Rally to share our school prayer and Mission Statement and to explore examples of our monthly virtues.
  • Our Middle School Student Vestry works with the Chaplain to oversee and participate in weekly chapel.
  • St. Martin's is a member of the National Association of Episcopal Schools which provides principles and framework for our school and parish community. Our relationship with St. Martin's Episcopal Church is a distinguishing feature of our parish day school established by the Church in 1957.